Wild Expectance

Wild Expectance by Bryan Citrin review

Wild Expectance by Bryan Citrin review

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When I went to Barnes & Noble, I wasn’t looking for this book. I went to B&N looking for a devotional to add to my morning devotions. I wasn’t looking for anything specific, I was just looking. To be honest, I wasn’t even really aware that I was letting the Lord lead me. But he led me to two books that day. Wild Expectance by Bryan Citrin was one of them.

I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but I knew when I saw Wild Expectance that it was it. The blurb reminded me a bit of Called to Create by Jordan Raynor, a book that spoke to my creative heart. Wild Expectance didn’t disappoint.

Who is this book for?

Wild Expectance is written to those creatives who are looking for something more in their creative endeavors. As Christian creatives, we are meant to be listening to the crazy things the Lord asks us to do. And we are meant to step out in faith in those things. Not only to enrich our own lives, but also the lives of those we are called to be a part of.

What is it about?

Bryan Citrin is a business major who was challenged by the Lord to move from Missouri to LA and start a campus ministry at UCLA. He became a missionary to Haiti and Vietnam and eventually started a marketing business to fund his missions.

But getting from a broke college graduate asking for a ride home from MC Hammer to a man running a marketing firm took several years and several failed companies and plans to achieve. His challenge to live with Wild Expectance is rooted in his own encounters and experiences with the seemingly crazy things that the Lord asked him to do. Things that initially made no sense, but worked out in amazing ways, not just to Citrin’s benefit, but to that of those around him. He is a firm believer in the life changing gift of speaking in tongues and listening to what the Lord says.

Wild Expectance

My thoughts

Wild Expectance met me where I needed to be met, right when I needed it most. As I mentioned earlier, it’s not exactly what I was looking for. While I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, I wasn’t looking for this. But it was what I needed to read.

In the last year or so, it has become part of my mission to tell creatives that their dreams, desires, and talents are just as valid as anyone else’s. It is a message that I think is highly overlooked and possibly considered frivolous. But there are so many instances in the Bible when creatives were commissions for a great purpose. I believe those instances are needed to remind us that writing, painting, editing, architecture, pottery, knitting are all talents that can be used to worship and bring glory to God.

My recommendation

Yes. Read this book. That is my recommendation. Even if you’re not a believer, I think that this book is important for all creatives searching for validation for their crazy ideas. You never know who your creations will encourage or how they will change a life.

Don’t overlook this book because it is written by a Christian or you think it will be preachy. It’s just as much a business book as it is everything else.

Wild Expectance by Bryan Citrin reminds us that we are valid. Those crazy, outlandish, unbelievable plans that you have aren’t really that crazy. They’re important, and so is the creation you have in your heart.

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