How do we become fearless?

How Do We Become Fearless?

How Do We Become Fearless?

Do any of these sound familiar?

“You can’t do it.”

“You’re not good enough.”

“You’ll never measure up.”

“No one will ever read your book/like your art.”

“Your business will never make it.”

“You’re too much. No one will ever accept you.”

If the do, congratulations. You’re normal. These are common fears that keep us from striving for and achieving our goals. But why do we do this? Why do we stop ourselves from living our dreams by reciting these fears to ourselves like some kind of self-sabotaging mantra?

Fear Is A Liar

Each fear is based on a lie we’ve allowed ourselves to believe. Sometimes, we pick these fears up from other people and don’t even know it. Sometimes, people tell us these lies. The recognition of those lies and the finding of the truth to combat them is what allows us to begin healing and moving into fearlessness.

For example, I am afraid of spiders. I do not like them, I don’t like the look of them, and I don’t want anything to do with them. The thought of them makes me shudder, even just writing this. The lie that I believe is that spiders will kill me. There are some spiders that can kill a human. We know that. A Google search tells me that there are seven spider-related deaths in the US each year. SEVEN. That’s…so few. And yet, I am afraid a spider will kill me. To the point that I will put as much space between me and a spider as is physically possible. I’m sure I look like an idiot.

Fight Fear With Truth

So, how do we counter the lies that create so much fear in us that we’re unable to move forward? We counter it with the truth.

What is the truth behind the fear that a spider is going to kill me? It’s highly unlikely that it’s going to happen. I don’t have a compromised immune system and I don’t spend much time outside in the woods. Yes, spiders get into the house sometimes, but they’re usually just daddy longlegs. So, the truth is, the chance of a spider killing me is very, very low.

How do we become fearless?

So, how do we become fearless? With the thruth. There is a fear keeping you from achieving your dreams. A lie that you believe that is holding you back. Maybe you set goals for yourself, but you fail to accomplish them because fear keeps you from sitting down to get the work done. Or it keeps you from going out and trying something new. Beneath that fear is a lie that you have believed that is keeping you from doing the things you know you need to do.

It’s time to address those fears, put truth to the lies that you’ve been told, and follow your dreams. Let’s start the year fresh and fearless. Let’s root out the lies that hold us captive to fear, find our purpose, and accomplish our dreams.

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