Category: The Fear Blog
Called to Create Review by Jordan Raynor
*This post contains affiliate links that may result in profit for the authors. Called to Create by Jordan Raynor – review There is a history of creative jobs not being considered “real jobs”. I have yet to meet a writer or an artist or a sculptor or an app builder or anyone in a creative… Read more
Why I Choose to be Fearless – Lessons From the Tower of Terror
Why I Choose to Be Fearless When I was in middle school, one of my closest friends at the time had a birthday party at Disney. Living in Florida, I had been to Disney once before. But this was my first time going as a “grown kid”. We drove down and spent the night with… Read more
Will You Have the Courage to Take the Extra Step?
Will You Have the Courage to take the Extra Step? Let’s imagine together for a few minutes. You’ve released your creation into the world. You’ve poured your heart and soul into this creation. And for a while, because it’s new and maybe a little different from what’s out there, it’s doing well. This could last… Read more
Will You Let Fear Hold You Back?
Will You Let Fear Hold you Back? You sit at your computer, the blank page staring back at you with the cursor blinking. Taunting you. You’ve been staring at the screen for what seems like hours, but nothing has happened. Before you sat down, you had more ideas than you could manage to get down… Read more
Where Do You Start?
Where do You start? There is a story inside you begging to get out. You have a message that you’ve been dying to spread or a product or business that you want to create. You have something you know can fill a need. There is something inside you clawing its way to the surface that… Read more
What is True Fearlessness?
What is true fearlessness? In my research on fearlessness, I have read that fear is a good and necessary thing. That if we are truly fearless then there is something wrong with us mentally. Perhaps, if you’re willing to stick your hand in a blazing fire and see how long you can keep it there,… Read more
Finding Inspiration Again
Finding Inspiration Again *This post contains affiliate links that could result in profit for the blog managers. For the last five or so years, I have struggled to write consistently. I used to be able to sit down for an hour or two and write without any trouble. I could write 2,000 to 5,000 words… Read more
Getting Creative Again After Burnout
Getting Creative Again After Burnout Burnout sucks the soul out of creatives. There’s no energy or desire to create. All you have is an empty space where your creativity used to be. So, how do we overcome this and become creative again after burnout? When your creative outlet becomes your job, when everything is hanging… Read more
The White Room of Starting Over
The White Room of Starting Over You’re in the white room of starting over. A place of nothingness as far as you can see. In fact, it is so empty and devoid of anything, that you can’t tell where the floor ends, where the ceiling begins, and if there are even walls. You don’t even… Read more
Do It Scared Review by Ruth Soukup
*This post contains affiliate links which can result in a profit for the managers of this blog. I read Do It Scared by Ruth Soukup in March of last year as comparison research. She starts her book by listing the seven different fear archetypes. The Procrastinator, The Rule Follower, The People Pleaser, The Outcast, The… Read more