Do It Scared Review by Ruth Soukup

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Do It Scared

I read Do It Scared by Ruth Soukup in March of last year as comparison research.

She starts her book by listing the seven different fear archetypes. The Procrastinator, The Rule Follower, The People Pleaser, The Outcast, The Self-Doubter, The Excuse Maker, and The Pessimist. Each archetype has its benefits and pitfalls, which she lists, as well as how to overcome each archetype. She also has an online quiz that you can take to find out what archetype you are. You’ll be a mix of them. I am the Procrastinator primarily. These archetypes are meant to show you what “kind of fear” you have. They show you how to work around or against that fear to get things accomplished.

The next section of the book through to the end teaches readers how to define and set their goals by breaking them down. This helps to make them easier to manage.

My thoughts

Do It Scared is a relatively quick, easy read. If you are someone who struggles with setting goals only to find that you procrastinate doing the things you need to do (like me), this book is for you. If you let fear get in the way of accomplishing your goals, this book is for you too. Do It Scared is a practical guide for getting past those hurdles. Soukup gives you the tools you need to figure out what kind of fear is stopping you with your fear archetype (your proclivities and what sets you off). Then, she gives you the steps to take to stop getting sabotaged by fear.

Do It Scared is a good place to find the action steps necessary to start building your dreams and your businesses. Soukup outlines how figuring out what you are passionate about, what kind of business you want to build, and where to start building.

I recommend this book to anyone who has not built a business and anyone who is starting over, especially if you are stuck in a place of fear.

I didn’t find anything revolutionary in this book, but I wouldn’t say that it’s not helpful. For anyone who doesn’t know where to start, this is the right book for you. Soukup clearly has a vast wealth of knowledge when it comes to starting, building, and scaling a business. Her advice is clear and strategic and helpful to anyone looking for a place to start.

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