Where do You start?
There is a story inside you begging to get out. You have a message that you’ve been dying to spread or a product or business that you want to create. You have something you know can fill a need. There is something inside you clawing its way to the surface that needs to be shared with the world. But there’s a problem. You don’t know where to start. Where do you begin when you’re not even sure what you’re supposed to do? How do you choose fearlessness when the very idea of sharing your story with the world fills you with paralyzing terror?
The first step is to realize that you are not alone. It took me a year to start SideStreet Cookie Publishing and a year and a half to get this blog up and running. You are not the only one who doesn’t know where to start. So, let’s figure this out together. Ask yourself the following questions:
What are you afraid of?
There is a fear that is holding you back from creating the thing you are meant to create. Whether that fear is the fear of inadequacy, the fear of success, the fear of failure, or something else entirely, I would like to convince you of one thing: your fear is lying to you. Your fear wants you to believe that you are not good enough to create, but that is not true. You are the only one with your story, and you are the only one who can tell it. You can’t expect anyone else to tell your story or create your thing.
So, find out what fear is holding you back.
Who is your audience?
This may be one of the most important steps to getting started. Who are you telling your story to? Who is it that will partake in the thing that you create? You need to know this because you are going to need to come back to this over and over again throughout the life of your creation. You will need to keep this in mind to hold onto why you are doing this thing. Who is this for and why?
Knowing your audience will be especially important when you start to nail down your message. Which brings us to the next step.
What is your message?
This is going to be key and possibly the most important part of this process, but don’t skip the other questions. They are necessary to make sure that when you start putting your message into whatever you’re creating that you are speaking to the right people. Trying to reach everyone everywhere is a good way to make sure that you reach no one.
You need to know who your audience is so you can point your message in their direction. Knowing your message isn’t something that can be done quickly. You will want to spend time honing this to make sure you are conveying your message in the best way possible. Take your time. Don’t rush it.
Once you know your audience and your message, now it’s time to find out where your audience hangs out. Where do they spend their time? What are they interested in?
Start with yourself. Likely, you are a decent representation of who your audience is, and this is a good place to start. What are your needs? Your likes and dislikes? What are your interests and what are your turnoffs? Write these things down, but don’t stop there. Once you have an idea, it’s time to find others who share these same traits.
It’s time to go to the internet and find out where the people who meet your criteria are. Find out what they are truly looking for and how what you’re creating can help them.
Make a list
Now you need to start making a list of all the ways you can get your message to your audience. Find out where your audience spends their time. That means online and in the real world. Find out what it’s going to take to reach them. Without your audience, your voice won’t be heard.
So, start making a list of all the ways you can reach your audience. What social media platforms can you use the most effectively? Are there any local or nearby events you can take part in? This can be as simple as your local library or a craft fair. Or this can be something as big as a trade fair or a conference.
Once you have these questions answered and your lists made, there is one more step.
Yeah, the scary part. It’s not enough to answer the questions and take the steps if you’re not going to make a move. Now it’s time to put it all into action. Write the book, create the product, start the company. Whatever it is that is on your heart, it’s time to create with confidence.
We hold ourselves back because of unfounded fears, lies that we have allowed ourselves to believe. Your story is uniquely yours. No one can tell it but you, so take the leap and bring your dreams to life.